Checklists, when they are well designed and used correctly can save lives.
Our experience developing hundreds of checklists has taught us exactly what makes a checklist effective, and what makes them ineffective, or worse, dangerous.
Learn things like:
One common feature you should NEVER include on your checklist.
Which member of the team should be entrusted to initiate the checklist. Hint—you've probably been doing it wrong.
What input you should NEVER ignore if you expect any results from your checklist.
Don't delay getting this vital information—your team and patients will benefit.
get your free assessment tool
Be ready to meet and exceed the new standards for safety and reliability with this expert information.
About LeadersGetResults
Leaders Get Results, LLC is owned and operated by Capt. Steve Harden. As the former CEO of LifeWings Partners, his team was the first in the United States to study the best leadership practices of organizations with high reliability, and successfully adapt those strategies for leaders in health care. Steve has distilled the leadership methodologies used in commercial aviation, military aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and cutting-edge manufacturing to assist health care leaders as they create safe, efficient, and high-quality hospitals and clinics.
Proven experience helps healthcare leaders get measurable, sustainable results
Having led over 250 healthcare improvement initiatives, Steve has unequaled expertise at coaching leaders to hardwire system processes, transform the organizational culture, improve the patient experience, eliminate waste, and continuously improve patient safety.
Steve's coaching includes skills from TeamSTEPPS, Lean, strategic planning, data collection & analysis, employee engagement, standardized work, organizational design, 5‐S standardization, value stream mapping, and A3 problem-solving. Put Steve to work for you and get the results you need for your organization.
What Hospital Leaders say...
Steve was the pioneer in applying proven methods and techniques used from high-reliability industries such as aviation and space to the health care environment.
His coaching has helped more than 250 organizations make dramatic, sustainable improvements like these from Memorial Healthcare System:
“ Our current patient treatment setup and delivery process have eliminated all treatment deviations. Our practices have identified situations where ambiguity or conflicting documentation could have resulted in inappropriate treatment or treatment inefficiencies. Our staff members have developed an extraordinary sense of teamwork combined with a high degree of personal responsibility to assure patient safety and have spoken up when they considered something potentially unsafe. We have increased our efficiency (and profitability); in 2012, our units of service were up 11.3% over 2009 levels with the same staffing level.”
From LifeWIngs' Client Memorial Healthcare system in "Improving patient safety in the radiation oncology setting through crew resource management" in Practical Radiation Oncology
The proof is in:
Leaders in more than 250 healthcare organizations helped, including Wexner Medical Center, Miami Children's Hospital, Rush University Medical Center, University of New Mexico Hospitals, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vassar Brothers Medical Center, Memorial Health Care, Wake Forest Baptist Health.
Put this coaching to work to improve your hospital, clinic, or practice.